Staying Safe During Summer Vacation

Summer is here once again, which means sunny days, hot weather, and of course a well-deserved and long-awaited vacation. Unfortunately, this year we are faced with COVID-19, which will make each of us think about the way we travel. Even as we get into the summer months, COVID-19 cases continue to add up, so we must continue to be cautious and vigilant. Below are a few ideas and tips from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on how to stay safe this summer during your travels.
Anticipate Travel Needs
- Bring enough of your medicine to last the entire trip.
- Pack enough alcohol-based hand sanitizer (at least 60% alcohol) and keep it within easy reach.
- Bring enough disinfecting wipes for everyone in the family to use during the trip.
- Bring a cloth face covering to wear in public places.
- Prepare food and water for your trip. Pack non-perishable food in case restaurants and stores are closed.
- If you are considering cleaning your travel lodgings, see CDC’s guidance on how to clean and disinfect.
While Traveling
- Wear a cloth face-covering in public.
- While in an airport or on an airplane, try to keep your face covering on at all times.
- Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer that has 60% alcohol prior to taking off your face covering or mask.
- Avoid close contact with others by keeping six feet of physical distance from others whenever possible.
- If you’re on the beach, follow current beach capacity guidelines and set up your towel and umbrella away from others.
- Additionally, if you’re going in the water, maintain social distancing efforts
- If you’re on the beach, follow current beach capacity guidelines and set up your towel and umbrella away from others.
- If you’re pumping gas, try to wear gloves when touching the pump and the gas nozzle.
- If you have no gloves available, you can either wipe down the equipment with a disinfecting wipe or use hand sanitizer after handling.
- Pick up food at drive-throughs, curbside restaurant service, or stores and eat meals in a public place away from others or in your hotel room.
Wherever you’re going this summer, make sure to have fun and stay safe!